Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Posts Tagged ‘ Tumblr ’

Stoked On Science

April 13, 2012 Feeling My Age Comments

BioSafety Hood

Reblogged from Stoked On Science on Tumblr:

Leaving the lab late at night, I always find the light blue glow that the UV lamp sheds on the inside of the biosafety hood especially beautiful. Although, if I were some tiny bacteria that happened to land inside that hood, I doubt I’d feel very nostalgic about my mutating genome.

Toasting test

Gradations of toast done-ness. My preference is for about 45 secs; Child K ranges between 45 secs and 1,45 min; Wife goes for a hardcore 3,15 mins every time. Plenty of scope for family dissent, depending on who’s making breakfast.

Found this on standingintheheartofdarkness via a reblog on the delightful letsjustwastetime whose author Vivien lives in Melbourne and is aged… well only click through and find out if you really, really don’t mind feeling your age:

Let's Just Waste Time blog

Welcome The Day

February 18, 2012 Feeling My Age Comments

Welcome The Day
Reblogged from welcometheday.co.uk

It looked like the sun was never going to shine again yet an hour later it was a beautiful winter’s day. But cold, very cold. So cold I learnt how to put the central heating on for an extra hour. So cold I climbed some ladders, removed a pipe from the wall and unblocked the ice with boiling water. I’ll do anything for a hot bath, even very dangerous DIY.

Lovely Tumblr photoblog featuring one picture at dawn every morning from the North Lincolnshire countryside – plus dry Zen musings – by my mate Rich.

Go on, Tumblr users, give him a follow – you know you want to:



Back in my day... we only had 150 Pokemon Thanks to sirtaylorthenude who reblogged the above from ohfuckyeahmemes

Two Men Kissing

June 12, 2011 Feeling My Age Comments

Men Kissing

Positive-Representation-of-Homosexual-Relationships picture of the day.

How nice to see young people enjoying themselves… Idly wondered if anyone outside the porn industry had ever posted romantic pictures pictures of men kissing each other online, and found to my amazement there are whole websites devoted to nothing else. Mathew Shepard and The Admiral Duncan notwithstanding, we’ve come a long long way. #feelingmyage

Coot Fight In My Backyard posted on Flickr by jhartho

Reblogged from JHartho on Tumblr

Coot fight in my backyard on Flickr.

Great photography – and how lucky to have waterbirds in your backyard. We’ve just got a small suburban garden in London with a bird table which until recently has been literally infested with pigeons.

As soon as we put out nuts, seeds or breadcrumbs for the local wildlife, down would come 20-30 pigeons like a swarm of locusts and everything would be gone inside a minute. The outside of our house became covered in pigeonshit as the bastards waited on the roof in rows for the next consignment of food. And pigeon fights are a lot less interesting and picturesque, I’m guessing, than coot fights.

In the end we put the seeds in a caged feeder where only the small birds could get them, and put up hanging cylinders of fat and nuts that the pigeons don’t like. The garden now features starlings, bluetits, jays, magpies and – the other day for the first time – a woodpecker. Result!
