Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Posts Tagged ‘ Stephen Coates ’

Me & Mr Wolf

December 20, 2011 Feeling My Age Comments

Back in August I blogged about The Real Tuesday Weld‘s inspired – if midly disturbing – video for Bathtime in Clerkenwell.  Here’s their latest single and short animated film, made by George Fort.

Although it starts out like normal cute Little-Red-Riding-Hood-style Cartoon Network fare, the visuals depart fairly rapidly from the standard script and you may not want to watch it with young kids looking over your shoulder.

The RTW YouTube Channel describes it as an “animated Noir masterpiece for our grown up fairytale of love and consumption Me And Mr Wolf. It’s taken from the album Songs For The Last Werewolf (Crammed Discs / Six Degrees) and is a duet with the wonderful Ms Piney Gir.”

The other voice is, of course The Clerkenwell kid himself – RTW mastermind Stephen Coates.


Bathtime in Clerkenwell by (The Real) Tuesday Weld
2002 animation by Alex Budovsky

From the St Petersburg Times:
Alex Budovsky, the award-winning St. Petersburg-born, New York-based animator, appears to know how to make music and cartoons go together, using modest means to great effect.Budovsky, who came to Russia earlier this month to supply some video backing to a pair of shows by The Real Tuesday Weld, has been collaborating with Stephen Coates’ London-based “antique-pop” band since he made his first video for them in 2002.”

First came across Alex’s howling mad, and midly disturbing video above around the time of the Real Tuesday Weld’s “I, Lucifer” album. As The Guardian put it back then: “a cuckoo-clock bird gets medieval on a tardy commuter’s ass. Before long a whole phalanx of little feathered fascists are marching on London, in a Metropolis-inspired production line. Buoying the whole thing up are Stephen Coates’s bouncy oom-pah acapella harmonies, full of Jazz Age jump.”

Stephen himself keeps a fascinating blog as The Clerkenwell Kid, where in a 9-years-later update to the above, we learn that Mr Budovsky has now moved to Bogota and recently directed  a surreal short animation by Olga Gonina called Once Upon A Guest – on which SC contributed both the music and the voiceover. Read all about it and watch the video here