Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Posts Tagged ‘ Photoshop ’

Etch A Sketch Art

March 3, 2012 Feeling My Age Comments

San Francisco by BryanEtch

This morning Child A had another surprise for me at the breakfast table – this sketch of San Francisco, which turned out to be one of many on display at bryanetch.blogspot.com. As usual when A. shows me stuff from the internet, Etch A Sketch art is a widespread phenomenon that I had no idea even existed.

The whole family debated whether this astonishing image could possibly have been done without cheating. Surely, the artist must have used Photoshop or some kind of stylus on an adapted version of the toy? And how come there were no videos on the blog showing these works being created ?

It turns out the main difficulty in filming this kind of work lies in carrying out timelapse photography over such a long period – we’re told this San Francisco drawing took 18 months, after all. All doubt was finally dispelled by the YouTube clip below – showing an even more complicated image being achieved (by a different artist) in two days flat:

It’s amazing. But also one of those activities like Synchronised Swimming – where you marvel at the skill involved, yet wonder why anybody in their right mind would bother even trying.