Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Posts Tagged ‘ Ginkgo Biloba ’

Ginkgo Biloba capsules

“There are two things about getting old” cracked the well-preserved female comic on American TV: “Number one, you lose your memory…” (pause) “…and I don’t recall the other thing” (audience erupts with laughter).

Was it Lily Tomlin, Phyllis Diller, Joan Rivers – or someone else entirely? Unfortunately I can’t remember who it was, what show she was on, or even when and where I saw it.  Without further information to narrow it down even Google – the amnesiac’s friend – is no help.

An American friend of a certain age once recommended Ginkgo biloba capsules to me as a treatment for for failing memory – she’d been using them for months and had noticed a real improvement. So I went out and bought a big bottle of pills, but could never remember to take them.

Exactly how long ago this was escapes me, but it occurs to me now that it might worth trying them again. Only question being – where did I put the damn bottle.