Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Posts Tagged ‘ cats love song ’


July 19, 2011 Feeling My Age Comments

In the famous 1969 Monty Python sketch it took a huge removal lorry, half a dozen men and a four star general to confuse a cat. So much for the good old days. Nowadays if your pet is suffering from Weltschmertz you need only play Cats Love Song by Vladiswar Nadishana to get it perked up again in no time.

Nadishana is a musician/producer from Siberia, currently resident in Berlin. Cats Love Song – with its sampled feline vocals and groovy world music beats – is guaranteed to shake even the most lethargic moggy out of its world-weary torpor. It certainly got the attention of Misty and Dexter (below).

Misty and Dexter