Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Posts Tagged ‘ author ’

Agent to author: "It's certainly your property. It's just not intellectual"

Unattributed cartoon titled “Copyright Issues”
from Issue 191 of Prospect magazine, 25th January 2012

“Everywhere I go, in all the bars
I see sad old bastards with guitars
Singing out their youth – at least they try…
With their beerguts sagging and their bald heads shining
Singing Hi Ho Silver Lining
Thy’re everywhere and nowhere baby
That’s no lie.”

What a surprise to get a tweet out of the blue from author, columnist and all round good egg Terence Blacker, sardonically offering this song as a theme tune for Feeling My Age. He and his mate Derek Hewitson (featured in the vid) have a band called Something Happened.

At the end of June, Terence was on BBC Radio 4 presenting a two-part Saturday morning series called Taboo Be Doo – about whether Something Happened could get away with performing potentially offensive songs – and if so, how offensive could they get away with being ?

Well to be honest it was a lot more than that – hear for yourself on Listen Again: click here for Part One and here for Part Two

Terence Blacker & Derek Hewitson