Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Eggs Is Eggs

November 9, 2011 Feeling My Age

Two hardboiled eggs
Two hardboiled eggs were left over from breakfast and Child K drew faces on them so they wouldn’t get mixed up with the other – uncooked – eggs in the fridge. Now they have such obvious personalities none of us has the heart to smash and eat them. They’ll probably end up going bad and have to be thrown away…

One Comment

  1. Merrick on November 13, 2011 5:01 pm

    A friend’s mother used to have a similar problem with aubergines.

    She just loved the shape and texture of them so much that she would buy one and put it on its own in one of those shallow wide glass fruit bowls on the dining table. When you walked through the room she was liable to draw your attention to it and say ‘isn’t that aesthetically pleasing?’.

    After a few days it would start to wrinkle and lose some of that lustre she so loved, but by this point she had formed such an emotional bond that she couldn’t cut it up. It would wait there until it actually mouldered before she mournfully put it in the compost and got a new one.

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