Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Dr Who

November 8, 2011 Feeling My Age

Three Doctors: Ecclestone, Tennant and Smith

Our household are big fans of the post-2005 Dr Who, but I can still remember watching the first ever episode at a mate’s house in November 1963. It was the day after the Kennedy assasination, so a lot of our friends and their parents missed it. But during the following week there was such a buzz about it that the BBC had to bow to to popular demand, change its Saturday night schedule and re-screen Episode One as the first half of a double length feature. And this time everybody, but everybody, watched it.

Doctor Hartnell meets The Daleks

William Hartnell was born in 1908 and played The Doctor as elderly and irascible with long swept-back silver hair. I was 13 at the time, and what with the Daleks, the police box and the unprecedented all-electronic theme music, Dr Who completely captured the public imagination.

One of our science teachers devoted a whole lesson to musique concrète and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. At the Arts Theatre pantomime in Cambridge that Christmas a Dalek scuttled across the stage just so that Cyril Fletcher (who was playing the Dame) could crack a weak pun about speaking in “a Cambridgeshire Dalek”.

When Russell T Davies first revived the show seven years ago, the biggest change he made was to cast fit, attractive leading men and – for the first time ever – make Dr Who sexy. Combined with improved plots, modern pacing and camerawork, a proper CGI budget and the occasional bisexual frisson, it’s been a perfect show for all the family ever since.

There’s quite a lot more than a frisson in the above video, made by the cast & crew of the show – plus The Proclaimers – as a swansong for outgoing writer/producer Russell T. and tenth doctor David T.  My wife – a regular visitor to the David Tennant webite – happened across it a couple of days ago.

I particularly like the dancing Oud – and Dave & Will from the VFX department flaunting their skills as they sing with tiny, tiny heads.


  1. Merrick on November 13, 2011 5:16 pm

    Rather like the way modern Disney animations have had cultural references and jokes that only adults would get, the new Dr Who has packed itself with venerable old school British actors that give an extra joy to us oldies. Bernard Cribbins! Genius casting!

  2. TV Theme Of The Week: Steptoe & Son | Feeling My Age on February 26, 2012 11:14 am

    […] Son –  another classic TV theme composed by Ron Grainer who (it turns out) was also reponsible for Dr Who, That Was The Week That Was and […]

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