Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Arr Keef Lad

July 20, 2011 Feeling My Age


Went to see Pirates Of The Caribbean with Child K, and was astonished when she told me Johnny Depp’s dad had been played by Keith Richards – inventor of  the killer riff on Satisfaction among much else.

When my parents saw The Stones miming to it on TOTP in 1964, Mum declared the band were yobs, the song was filth and both of them ought to be banned.  I later wrote out the lyrics (which contained nothing filthy at all) and triumphantly flourished them at her, but she refused to change her verdict. “It’s just so suggestive” she insisted. She was right of course – compared to the straitlaced Beatles, the Stones were sex on legs.

Fast forward 47 years and the granddaughter she never met or even dreamed of is heading off to a friend’s birthday party dressed as Capn Jack Sparrow – ie Johnny Depp dressed up as a wildly exaggerated version of Keith Richards. And now – sorry for being one movie and several years late in this realisation – we have Keith Richards dressed up as a wildly exaggerated version of Johnny Depp’s wildly exaggerated version of himself.

Keef & Mick 1964


  1. Carol Wyer on July 20, 2011 9:20 am

    Enjoyed your blog hugely and have been lurking around here like some stalker for ages.
    I noticed that you have been past my piece of blog madness and are following it. Many thanks and I am so glad to have found yours. It makes such a refreshing change from American blogs and blogs about babies or coupons!
    I’m afraid I shall be skulking here reading your older posts for a little while longer.
    Very entertaining.
    Warm wishes from a miserable wet Staffordshire.

  2. feelingmyage on July 20, 2011 2:52 pm

    Lovely to meet you Carol – and many happy returns for your upcoming birthday – loved the fishyducky carrier bags. Warm wishes from Wandsworth :-)

  3. Merrick on August 8, 2011 1:29 am

    Nothing filthy? ‘Trying to make some girl’? The repeated use of ‘satisfaction’? Your mum wasn’t as good a suggestiveness spotter as she thought.

    Oh, and you did well to watch it in 1964, given that it was written in 65

  4. Merrick on August 8, 2011 1:30 am


  5. feelingmyage on August 8, 2011 8:10 am

    I stand corrected Mr Merrick. As we all know, memory can be pretty fickle at the best of times. And as they say, given the um recreational lifestyle of our generation and amount of time elapsed: anybody who claims to actually remember the Sixties probably wasn’t there :-(

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