Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Abbey Road

June 10, 2011 Feeling My Age

Abbey Road album cover photo shoot

Ironically it’s the Beatles’ crappest album that’s given posterity their most iconic image and turned the old EMI recording complex into the best known studios in the world.

By the time they recorded it, the Beatles were already effectively no longer a band and barely on speaking terms. The sound of the record was as immaculate as you might might expect from unlimited time & money, state of the art technology and the services of George Martin.

It’s got a couple of decent solo set pieces each by Lennon and McCartney, not to mention the best song George Harrison ever wrote. And by the time it came out the band were so famous on account of their earlier – genuinely astounding – work that it achieved saturation sales & coverage. As a result its one of their best known albums.

But if nobody had ever heard of them when it came out, it would have sunk like a fucking stone.

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