Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

West End Central Police Station

West End Central police station in Savile Row. In the late 60s some of the guys who turned up at the Priory had been habitutués of The Dilly – either as rent boys – or as purveyors and consumers of hash, acid, methedrine and heroin. Or both. In any case any teenager regularly loitering around Picadilly Circus was pretty much certain to end up sooner or later at West End Central. My friends reserved a particular fear and loathing for the building and its officers. Once inside you were utterly at their mercy which – by their account – was in short supply.

One Comment

  1. Edward Keogh on October 15, 2011 10:44 pm

    Oh Yes,
    I remember it well!
    Staffed by sadistic bigots. Some, a very few, have been prosecuted and condemmed. The rest go free.

    Cruel, unthinking basdtards.

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