Feeling My Age

Getting older has its drawbacks – but it's a lot better than the alternative.

Just received an email from my younger brother:

Dear friends and family, this is one of the most powerful interviews I have ever heard in my life.  Minister Louis Farrakhan gives the real implications of the US/ British/ French/ Italian/ Canadian invasion of Libya: Farrakhan Warns Obama About The CIA Plants In Libya

It only lasts nine minutes – hear for yourself.

On his last visit my brother startled us by announcing that the CIA had deliberately caused  Japan’s earthquake and nuclear disaster in order to further US commercial and political interests. And sure enough, if you care to look for it, the evidence is right there on the internet:

Back in 1964 the Warren Commission was able to convince most of the world that JFK was assasinated by a lone sniper with a single gun.

Nowadays the unbelievable outrages committed by the CIA – from 9/11 to the Japanese earthquake – can be explained to the world within hours by some of the finest minds on the planet. Thank God for the internet.

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